I chose this ad because it represents the difference in social class very blatantly. Even though all the models are portrayed in a jail cell, some are just represented "better" than the others. Here, Sarah Jessica Parker is the one that stands out the most. She is wearing a lovely, expensive white gown with the perfume in her hand. Her hair and make up is nicely done as if she just walked out of the salon. Also her expression represents the fact that she doesn't mind being inside the jail cell as long as she has her perfume with her. In addition, the phrase "I just had to have it" supports this idea that it was worth being in jail to have this perfume. On the other hand, everyone else is staring at her in awe, as if they want the perfume. They seemed amazed at the fact that she has it. Also their appearance is very dirty compared to Sarah Jessica Parker. So even though they are all in the same situation, none of them are as good or better than the girl with the perfume. She is the only one that is admired and that everyone is envious of.

I chose this ad because it shows the difference in social class by what one is wearing. One side of the ad has a white, blond, gorgeous woman wearing Versace. We can implied that she is wearing Versace becuase of the text. Also you can imply that she is the owner of the estate because if she can afford to wear Versace, she is rich. Also her posture is very important. Unlike the two maids on the other side of the ad, her back is straight and her hands are elegantly placed, emphasizing the fact that she is educated and well respected by her maids. The other side of the ad also emphasizes the fact that they are maids because of the way they are dressed but also the way they are standing. They are standing unlike the blond woman with, with respect. They seem like they are getting ready to bow down or greet the woman. Their body language shows that they are ready to serve the blond woman in any shape or form. Lastly, the fact that "Versace" is not on the side of the maids, emphasize they are not wearing and can not afford the clothes designed by Versace.

This is a private jet advertisement with very strong meaning through it's text. "It helps to come from a powerful gene pool" clearly represents the fact that people with powerful genes are the only ones who can afford to have or even ride a private jet. So who are the people with powerful genes? We automatically think powerful means richness. Any one who is powerful always seem to have a lot of money. We are socially constructed to think this way. So if you don't have the money than there is no chance of riding a private jet like this one. This always emphasizes the fact that no matter how hard you try to become rich sometimes its never enough. Some times it is all about luck and what family you were born into. In other words, richness in this case can not be earned or bought but born into.
My friend mentioned to me your blog, so I thought I’d read it for myself. Very interesting insights, will be back for more!
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